Monday, 21 May 2012

[FILM REVIEW] Marvel Avengers Assemble

Or just "The Avengers" for short, because apparently British people can't distinguish between men in tights and men with bowler hats and umbrellas. 

So trying to write a spoiler free review of The Avengers is pretty hard. It's a very fun and awesome film and I urge you all to go see it as soon as you can.

If you're a fan of Joss Whedon you will no doubt feel his love in the script and editing. A few Xanderisms or lines that make us fans of Buffy/Angle think of a better day, when you would will the bus home from work to go that little bit faster because the next episode would be on shortly.

Stark (Robert Downy Jr) is deliciously an egotistical arse as normal, and is pitted against other men who thought they were the only manly men on the planet (or off it in Thor's case) big enough to do the job.

There is enough back story / history slip ins for anyone who hasn't seen the stand alone hero films or doesn't know much about the comics and has been dragged kicking and screaming by their Marvel obsessed partner to help keep you up to speed as to why the city is dangerously high in health and safety code violations.

Unlike most trailers, this doesn't give away much of the plot but does outline a lovely movie. Seriously guys, get your arse to the theatre and throw your money at them.

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